Letting Go & Moving Forward

People tend to get tied so much with their past so much that they can't let it go. Some because of good memories, some because they're afraid of moving on, and some because they feel so much pain in the past.

The past seems to haunt us in our daily lives simply because we cant let it go. 

Once I was in such situation where as a brokenhearted guy I seemed to have lost everything and lived in my past. My surroundings are all greyed out and all I can see was who I was in the past. This goes on for months and it slowly deteriorates myself.

But then, I get to a point where I finally put my mind on facing myself and all the realities faced. I took a risk. A risk that almost killed me in places I don't even know, I mean literally nearly killed me in an accident. 

That risk I took paid off. 

I rediscovered myself simply because I can let go of the past and getting prepared for a fresh start. I then live a new life, free of regrets and things that are holding me back. Then I met my wife, got a new job as a master degree graduate, had a daughter and a lot of other things. 

But then the cycle didn't stop there. As family need develops, I was forced to leave my dream job, a job at a big 4 firm at a group that's number one in the world, to pursue a job at the industry simply because it was better on remuneration packages. I wandered in the past again, thinking that my previous job was way better and how it challenged me to the max. I grew hopeless.

Then one day, a thought struck my mind. I realized I'm back to unable letting go of my past. Thus, it burdens me and I can't be reaching my full potential. I maybe am working at an established company before. But, now I have the chance to really develop myself based on my own potential, not on some system developed by others. So I let go of my past job and focus on the new one. Having done this, I got more spirits in doing my job. What's more? I get to focus on Emfeld Web Technology. And so it grew and became my pride now. And I'd give up my past for it to grow to the max.

In the past, I got stucked and unable to move on simply because I can't let go of my past. It was my hell and I'm thankful to learn from it. Now, I always try to put my past behind me.

I'm not saying that you should hate your past. I never hate mine. All I'm saying is let your past stay in the past. Learn from it. You live now and you should look to the future.

Don't be stuck in your past. Learn to let go. Learn to live and let live. You'll get better things ahead

Warm Regards


Follow @femmerling on twitter


  1. People tend to get tied so much with their past so much that they can't let it go. Some because of good memories, some because they're afraid of moving on, and some because they feel so much pain in the past.

    "and some becoz they're have good strong enough to kept they're past as a miracle to get the bright future on the other chance...
    love that past... #sillyGirl//" :(

  2. I dont really catch what you're saying but the point is I never said that you should hate your past. You can love the past as much as you want to. But don't let it haunt you and put burdens on you. You just have to accept the fact the the past is past and now you have to move on with new things.

  3. Thank you for sharing this story and this tought.


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