Bye Bye Web Technology

Back in 2005 I established a company that would define my career in the IT software industry. Emfeld Web Technology, or I spelled it EmFeld back then, was born from my desire to improve human lives by leveraging the web.

I built a lot of things during the years, from websites, online stores, online games and also our signature product the intanware.

Things were great until 2 things happenned. My team left for a bigger company and my health condition gets worse. I can't be handling all those projects all by myself.

So from now on, Emfeld is me and I am Emfeld. I'll use the domain for my personal site and I'll write more things in my personal blog. I'll open source some of our products on my github account. Who knows you can get something out of it anyway.

It was a good 7 years. But as they say, all good things must come to an end. And so this is where Emfeld Web Technology ends...with a smile :)

Warmest regards

Fauzan Erich Emmerling

7 is a good number anyway :)


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