Indonesian Nature Pics

After getting an android phone the NASA hackathon back in april, I suddenly turn into a so-called-amateur-photographer. Photography has always been an interest. Add a tiny app called Instagram and you got some photo filter magic. Below are some of my nature photo collections. Enjoy!!!

a broken boat

sunrise in the Gulf of Jakarta

fishermen harbour

morning sky

a lonely tree

fish pond

bridge to your dream

seaside fish pond

Gedong Songo ruins, Ambarawa, Central Java, Indonesia

sulfur cave, Baturaden, Purwokerto, Central Java, Indonesia

one of the nine Gedong Songo temples, Ambarawa, Central Java, Indonesia

my backyard

a plane in the sky

afternoon seaside talks

Kamal Muara fishermen harbour

the Frangipani and the pagoda

All my works are available in my instagram account @femmerling.
Feel free to use any of the above pics but please put a link back to my blog.



follow @femmerling on twitter


  1.`s not an orchid...kemboja (Latin: Plumeria, English: Frangipani


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